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Together for Their Future

The site was created to help our dogs. We are in constant need of food, medicine and help with veterinary bills. We need volunteers to improve the living conditions of the dogs in our shelter. Each dog ​​we pick up has vector diseases. We treat the dogs, castrate them, and then look for a home and a family

If you wish to become a part of our dogs' lives, write to us. Walk and food, home and love, what else does a dog need! Thank you to everyone who supports us!

We thank Don Brutar and his team for coming to record their visit to the shelter. Watch the video tour of the shelter by Don Brutar and his team on YouTube.


Our rescue centre was established in 2017. It was built by a few dedicated people entirely using personal funds. Its inhabitants are currently over 70. For for some of them it is a permanent home forever as they are too old or sick to get adopted, for most of them it is a temporary refuge.

In Bulgaria, there is no monitoring over compliance with animal protection laws, and there is no control over breeding by illegal puppy farms. All this leads to an overpopulation of stray dogs on the streets. Every day there are cases just in our town of dogs being run over, shot or tortured. We try to save many of them but we can't do it all. We don't have many volunteers either. It is very difficult to do things alone, sometimes overwhelming.

One of the most bittersweet moments of doing this job is when a dog we cared for finds its human and leaves us. But once we get the pictures of their new home, we are the happiest people. This makes all the effort spent worth it. This shelter runs entirely on the personal funds spent by its team and on the donations of kind people within our town and on kind strangers across the world. If you wish to become a part of our dogs' lives, please write to us. You can visit and walk and play with the dogs or send food or keep us in mind for the next time you want to get a new puppy.

Thank you to everyone who supports us!

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Katya, Georgi, Sevdalina and Peter - This is the Donna Dogs team. Every day we take care of the dogs by feeding them, cleaning the shelter, administering medicine for the sick, and providing a quick little cuddle to fix their broken souls. We have been doing this every day since 2017. They only have us, we are their people, their family. We are looking to expand this family and everyone that wants to help us to humanly tackle the homeless dogs problem is welcome to do so.

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Every Sunday at the shelter is a special day for the dogs. The dogs get walked, cuddled and played with. You can visit us every Sunday to walk a dog, play with them and help us with their socialisation. The volunteers at the shelter are just a few people who all have full time jobs and lack the time to show love to every single dog. And all the dogs love walks outside the shelter fences and are incredibly happy when they get to do so. Come on Sundays, make a dog happy!

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We thank Monika Karaivanova for creating this amazing art inspired by our doggos! We would love to see yours as well! Send them to:

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You can find more information about the organisation's legal status here.